
Thursday, May 17, 2007


>Photos: The Googleplex (Compiler @ Wired Blogs)
Walking around Google's headquarters in Mountain View, California, you get the feeling that you're strolling the grounds of some expensive liberal arts college where everyone's smarter than you. It's actually about the size of a small university, and everyone there most likely really is smarter than you..
>‘Stumbling on Happiness’ Scoops Science Writing Award (The Underwire @ Wired Blogs)
Gilbert’s book plays with the idea of quantifying the unquantifiable concept of happiness, explores how the mind works and mounts a scientific explanation on the limitations of the human imagination and how that often leads us off the track to happiness..
>Dell Sued By New York Attorney General (Epicenter @ Wired Blogs)
At Dell, customer service means no service at all. Dell’s consumers were intentionally misled, and they had to pay for that privilege. I hope this lawsuit sends a message to companies large and small that delivering a product is simply not enough – the promises they make must be delivered as well..
This is interesting to me, because I just made a presentation for 'Human Resource Development' by Gary Dessler which Dell is one of the case studies in it.
>As Car Safety Increases, So Do Car Crashes (Autopia @ Wired Blogs)

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