
Sunday, June 18, 2006


>I'm not ready because I'm still afraid
Fear is normal for a human being, who feels bad or uncomfortable with something unfamiliar or unknown. If you wait until the fear goes away before making changes, you'll wait until forever
>I need to feel more confident before I make a breakthrough
You'll never get the real confidence about your potential until you really use it
>This is not the right time to do it
You'll never sense the right time to take risks (which require you to step out of your safe zone), but you'll feel right to to take the risk once you find the courage from and the value of the experience
>I'm not really sure I wanna do it
You're lying to yourself if you believe that you don't want to change. You'll doubt the validity of the new path that you're about to take until you see where the path leads you to

Barbara De Angelis

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