Refresh: 19/3/2006
My 1st impression: band 'manis'.
Selain liriknya, musiknya juga konsentrasi ngiringin vokal. Stlh beberapa x, gw mulai bisa respek sama model begini. Gw bisa bilang musik mereka 'matang'. Terjaga. Kayak musisi studio profesional. Gw udah bisa menangkap improvisasi2 kecil mereka yng tadinya terlalu kecil buat gw rasain. Gw terbiasa dngn modelnya CREED/ALTERBRIDGE. Topik mirip, musik jelas lbh garang. Ritem & vokal punya kekuatan yg sama. Di TC, musiknya 'ngalah' sama liriknya. Untung liriknya gak termasuk norak buat gw.
Sebelumnya, lirik model gitu yg bikin gw kurang respek sama musik model ini. Terlalu overpoetic/romantis gitu. Love's fine, but u don't need 2 say it repeatedly on every line/second! Even if u need 2, don't say 'love' as is. That just sounds cheap. Put it in a figure of speech instead.
It's good 4 me to find that TC got enough wisdom 2 wrap around d'love thing.
So, 2 me, TC's fine. Gw udah denger 2nd albumnya. Cukup alasan buat gw nyari 1st albumnya.
Nice music & message. Good ref. Lirik positip & global.
Topik mirip sama 'one by one'. Ref lebih catchy.
this r d'days worth living, this r d'years worth giving
this r d'moment. this r d'time
let's make d'best time of our lives
Intro top, gitarnya floating. Liriknya nyambung tenan. Nasib, usaha, & perubahan.
i came 2 tell u, how it all begin
nothing seems 2 work out right, i'm broken down again
so hold me now & say it's not forever
cause maybe someday, in time
things will go my way
i push 2 get thru, d'crowd of twisted souls
just 2 find i'm right back here, doin what i'm told
so take my hand, don't let me surrender
4 all d'lies i've tasted, lookin 4 d'truth
4 all d'dreams i'm chasin, what am i 2 do
everything's againts me, d'answers r all wrong
i'm hopin that i find out, it was worth it all along
cause i know someday, in time
Love song. Cheerful. Bayangan manis sang pujaan hati! So irresistable! "she's like a sweet summer day"
Love song. Tanpa gombal-gambil.
Love song. O.S.T Harry Potter (I love HP). Overall, nice music & words. Catchy enough. Spoiler: sok poetic ("i'll take d'star right off d'sky 4 u")
Topik mirip sama 'believing'. "if only love can find us all". Nice short solo w/ gitar akustik. Mantra: "that's d'way of love".
So desperate, wish 4 some1 2 interact. "she wonders, if there's somebody out there, 2 make things wrong, 2 make things right". Musik: coda asik.
Love song. Cacthy rhythm. Alternating tempos.
Catchy. Gw belum ngerti apanya yg 'red'. "i'm dreamin in red, just driftin away, come & take me away".
Good music 4 desperation: floatin. Steady gitar akustik + piano touch. Smart quotes. i have no interpretation, the lyric speaks 4 itself.
when ur hope is lost, when ur hope is fading
what would u do if u had, just 1 lil pill in ur hand
that change around all u could b, help 2 forget what u c
if all u ever wanted was 2 let go
"there's so many things that we just don't know about"
when ur hope is lost & u can't take it
now u've gone 2 far 2 let them break it
u think it would b alright, 2 lose some1 else's life
trust what u already have, cos once u fallin u can't turn back
"i think we all know what it's like 2 feel alone"
u cannot throw thosew thoughts away, b4 u make up d'mistake
u've lost control have gone off track, now it's time 2 take it back
u have 2 want 2
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